Experience You can Trust
Caring, Solutions, Partners since 2001

Tracy is an AKC Hunt Test Judge and a NAVHDA Senior Judge, Clinic Leader and an Invitational Judge. She has been judging and running dogs for 30 years. Tracy has run 170 dogs at various levels of testing. Her favorite thing about dog training is to watch a dog start to use skills that the sire and dam put there thru great breeding. Together with Al she runs the day to day training and operation of our family operated business.

Steve is a NAVHDA Senior Judge and started training dogs when he was 12 with his dad, Al. He has been involved with NAVHDA for 30 years. His favorite thing about dog training is bonding with the dogs and spending time with family. Steve has a professional career and helps out with the books and when needed with training.

Al is an AKC Hunt Test Judge and a NAVHDA Senior Judge, Clinic Leader and an Invitational Judge. He has been judging and running dogs for 30 years. His favorite thing about dog training is watching the inherent traits come out when introduced to things that they have been bred and hard wired to handle. Together with Tracy he runs the day to day operation and training for our family operated business.
Steve and Tracy’s children, Anthony and Nicole grew up training dogs and running them in NAVHDA and AKC hunt tests. Anthony has a professional career and helps out when needed. We are very proud of Nicole’s career path, she has joined the NAVY and aspires to be a Rescue Swimmer.

Client Reviews
“Casey is such a super dog! She has beautiful markings and many a person has stopped us to tell how beautiful she is. Dave and Casey went out today pheasant hunting and they got four birds in total. She is pointing birds excellent. Dave is so, so, impressed with her abilities, he is so pleased how she is doing at less than a year old. She loves to snuggle with me on the couch nightly and will snuggle in bed with me until Dave kicks her out. She talks quite a bit and she smiles! Thanks again for the gift of Casey, we don’t know what we’d do without her!”
Karen and Dave
Grays Lake, IL
“I have done some hunting with Greta in the past few weeks and what a difference from last year. She has been holding point and hasn’t bumped a bird the past two times out. Her retrieving skills are fantastic along with her field obedience.”
Thank you for your time and Training.
Wales, WI
“Just wanted to let you know I had Gret’s hips x-rayed and she got evaluated as excellent. I had her eyes and heart done a couple months ago and they were both normal as well. Also with a little luck and a little more training we can walk away with a good score in Utility next month at the Buckeye Chapter Test. After that it’s on to finishing our training for a Master Hunt Title.
I would also like to take a moment to thank you for the amazing little dog you sold me, she acts just like her dad (Klaus), a lover in the house and a bird crazy maniac in the field. Her force fetch took three or four weeks and everything else was just about all natural.”
Thank you,
Heath, OH