Training Programs For Flushing, Retrieving & Pointing Breeds Obedience...Gun Dog Training...Hunt Test Preparation and Handling
We have been training and caring for dogs for over thirty years. We would not do anything to your dog that we would not do with our own.
Check out the "About Us" link to meet our trainers and see what they have accomplished so far in their careers.
Dog training is like a road map, we can all take a different road and end up in the same place. There is no right or wrong way to train, how we train and the methods we use are what works best for us. We only put as much pressure on your dog as needed to get the response we need. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole, our training programs are tailored to each dog and each owner.
No problem is too big or too small
Hunting Training: Introduction to birds, guns, e-collar, gun shyness, ACK hunt tests, NAVHDA hunt tests, German hunt tests, tracking, fetching, heeling, steadiness on game, upland work, waterfowl work, blood tracking, shed hunting, blind retrieves and much more.
Obedience Training: Heel, recall, e-collar, perimeter training, place, stay, sit , socialization skills, focus, anxiety, agility and much more.
Call for availability, reservation and deposit information: 920-668-8619 ask for Tracy.
It is recommended that you mail a deposit to reserve a training spot.
We encourage all of our dogs to have fun.
It takes about two years to fully train a dog for obedience and/or hunting. We give you the tools to train your dog, it is up to you to use those tools to complete your dogs training.

Chris Carr does a wonderful job of supplying us with all of our collar and checkcord needs! Contact him at [email protected], tell him we referred you!